PRE-TEAM GREY are our youngest pre-team members who have shown high levels of body awareness and the courage to try new skills. Gymnasts will begin to develop the strength, flexibility and coordination necessary for competitive gymnastics. This class will move at a faster pace than our instructional classes and have an increased focus on technique and body shapes.

PRE-TEAM BLUE members are students who have shown the ability to pick up new skills, high levels of body awareness and the determination to improve. Pre-team members will increase their strength, flexibility, and coordination to prepare them for competitive gymnastics. This class will move at a faster pace than our instructional classes and have an increased focus on technique, skill progression, and acquisition.

XCEL TEAM members are our students who show a high level of gymnastics ability and have a high skill level on all four of the apparatus. Team members will have a high focus on developing flexibility and strength through stretching and conditioning. These students will concentrate on developing skills and routines for competition with a high level of technical aptitude. Gymnasts at this level will attend competitions within the USAG Xcel circuit.

Team and Pre Team Programs are by invitation or evaluation.

Please call (732) 238-7890 to set up an evaluation.


Teen Classes


Center Stage Dance and Theatre School